One of the things you might be thinking about as a health, nutrition, or wellness coach is this: how to create an online health coaching program that can help your business grow to six figures.

Well, you’re not alone.

That’s the exact question I asked myself when I first started my health coaching business.

While it took me a few years to figure it out, when we introduced a high-ticket health coaching program, our online business grew from $40,000 per year to $120,000 per year in just one year. And it doubled the following year.

So, a high-ticket health or fitness coaching program can be a total game changer for your online coaching business.

Why You Need To Create a High-Ticket Online Health Coaching Program?

%Business Coach For Health Coaches %Yulia Tarbath

As a business coach for health, fitness, and wellness professionals, here’s the best advice I can give you: create your online signature coaching program!

Does it mean it will be your only offer? Of course not; you can still have mid and low-ticket offers too.
But if you’re not offering a high-ticket health coaching program, you’re leaving money on the table and missing the opportunity to create massive transformations for your clients.

Let’s face it – charging $50 per session isn’t just undervaluing your expertise; it’s a one-way ticket to burnout and financial struggle.
But here’s the kicker: by creating a premium, high-ticket online health coaching program priced between $2,000 and $5,000, you’re not just boosting your income – you’re elevating your entire business to a whole new level.

This isn’t just about making more money (although that’s a fantastic bonus). It’s about attracting committed clients who are ready to invest in their health and achieve real, life-changing results.

The Benefits Of A High-Ticket Health Or Fitness Coaching Program%Business Coach For Health Coaches %Yulia Tarbath

Imagine this: instead of scrambling to fill your calendar with dozens of low-paying clients, you can focus your energy on a select group of motivated clients who are ready and willing to invest in your program.

This means more time, less stress, and the ability to deliver truly transformative results. Plus, with a high-ticket program, you can start making money online faster and reach your $5K to $10K+ income goal.

But what about your clients? Here’s where it gets really exciting (oh yes!)

By investing a premium in a coaching program, they’re putting skin in the game.

They’re committed, focused, and ready to do whatever it takes to see results. Your high-ticket health coaching program becomes their lifeline to the health and vitality they’ve always dreamed of.

We’ve personally coached hundreds of clients in our high-ticket online health coaching program, and the biggest transformations happen when people invest in themselves.

Yes, You Can Have a Signature Coaching Program – Even as a Beginner Coach

Now, I know what you’re thinking: “But I’m just starting out! How can I possibly charge thousands for my coaching?”

Let me tell you this: your success isn’t determined by your years of experience. It’s determined by your ability to solve a specific problem for a specific group of people.

The secret? Choose the right health or fitness coaching niche and focus on the right marketing plan.

When you position yourself as the go-to expert in your chosen coaching niche, people will want to invest in the transformation they desire.

The 3 Myths About High Ticket Health Coaching Programs%Business Coach For Health Coaches %Yulia Tarbath

Before diving into the ins and outs of creating a coaching program, let’s address some common myths.

Myth 1: “I need years of experience to charge premium prices.”
Reality: What you really need is a laser-focused niche and a program that delivers results. Your unique perspective and approach can be worth their weight in gold to the right clients. Most of my clients started from scratch and were able to sign up high-ticket health and fitness coaching clients in just 2-4 weeks. Yes, it can happen that fast!

Myth 2: “No one will pay thousands for health coaching.”
Reality: People invest in what they value. When you offer a solution to a pressing health problem, the price becomes secondary to the results.

Myth 3: “I need a huge following to sell high-ticket programs.”
Reality: You don’t need a large following at all. Many of my clients had zero followers when they started. A small, engaged audience who trusts you and sees the value in what you offer is already a great start. You can grow from there.

By understanding these myths and learning how to create an online health coaching program that truly connects with your audience, you’ll be well on your way to establishing a successful high-ticket coaching business.

Creating Your Signature Health Coaching Program: The Blueprint to $10K Months%Business Coach For Health Coaches %Yulia Tarbath

Now, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty (because that’s why you’re still here!).

Your high-ticket online health coaching program can be an 8-12 week intensive that promises (and delivers) a specific, measurable outcome. Here’s how to create an online health coaching program that stands out:

1. Choose Your Coaching Niche: 

Get specific. Instead of “weight loss,” think “sustainable weight loss for busy moms over 40 who are looking to lose 10-50 lbs without restricting calories or damaging their metabolism.” Choosing the right niche is the foundation of your high-ticket health coaching program.

It’s not just about narrowing down your focus – it’s about identifying a group of people with a specific problem that you can solve better than anyone else. This is where you become the go-to expert and a game-changer.

If you need help defining your niche, read this article: Find Your Health Coaching Niche. Remember, the riches are in the niches. The more specific you get, the more you can tailor your program to meet exact needs, and the more valuable your coaching becomes. Whether it’s “reversing blood sugar problems for executives,” “hormone balancing for women in perimenopause,” or “plant-based nutrition for endurance athletes,” your niche should make your ideal clients feel like you’re speaking directly to them.

2. Define Your Outcome: 

What exact result will your clients achieve? Be bold and specific. This is where you make your big promise – the transformation that will make your high-ticket health coaching program irresistible. However, it needs to be specific, measurable, and achievable within the timeframe of your program. Don’t just say “lose weight” or “feel better.” Instead, promise “lose 20 pounds and drop 2 dress sizes in 12 weeks” or “reduce your HbA1c levels by 1% in 3 months.”

The more concrete and quantifiable your outcome, the easier it is for potential clients to see the value in your program. Also, tap into the emotional transformation. Will they gain the confidence to wear a bikini for the first time in years? Will they have the energy to play with their grandkids without getting winded? Paint a vivid picture of life after your program – make it so compelling that they can’t imagine not signing up.

3. Outline Your Modules:

Break your program into weekly themes, each building on the last. When I work with my clients inside my 12-week Coaching Breakthrough Academy, we go into all the program design details in week 2 of my program. Your modules should form a logical progression, with each week building on the last, leading inexorably towards your promised outcome.

Start with the basics and gradually increase complexity. Think about the 8-12 weekly milestones your clients need to reach their end goal. Each module should have clear learning objectives, actionable steps, and homework assignments to keep clients engaged and making progress.

4. Add High-Value Components:

Weekly calls, personalized plans, and private coaching sessions are key elements when learning how to create an online health coaching program. Stack the value high. This is where you turn your program from good to absolutely irresistible. Remember, you’re charging premium prices, so your clients should feel like they’re getting premium value.

You don’t have to provide more training modules or additional meal plans. Instead, focus on supporting your clients in ways that feel transformative and valuable to them. Think about accountability, community, and giving your clients direct access to your expertise. The key is to make your clients feel supported, valued, and equipped with everything they need to succeed. When they look at everything they’re receiving, your high-ticket price should feel like a bargain.

5. Create Accountability Systems:

Progress tracking is essential for keeping clients engaged and successful. Accountability is the secret sauce that turns good intentions into real results. It’s what sets your high-ticket health coaching program apart from the self-help books and YouTube videos your clients have tried before.

Inside my business program for health and wellness coaches, my clients receive everything they need to narrow their niche, create their high-ticket program, master their sales, and start attracting high-paying clients. They learn accountability strategies, get out there, make it happen, and feel supported every step of the way. That’s game-changing for someone looking to launch a new career.

Remember, the more accountable your clients feel, the more likely they are to stick with the program and achieve those life-changing results – which means testimonials, referrals, and a rock-solid reputation for your high-ticket health coaching business.

6. Develop Your Marketing Plan:

Be a master of selling! If you don’t know how to sell as a coach, you risk going out of business. That’s not the outcome you want, and it’s not what I want for you. Now that you’ve created an incredible high-ticket health coaching program, it’s time to market it to your ideal clients. A strong marketing plan will turn your expertise into a thriving six-figure business.

Start with building a compelling online presence. Use powerful before-and-after stories, testimonials from past clients, and a clear breakdown of what’s included in your program. Remember, you’re not just selling coaching – you’re selling a new life, a new self, and a solution to problems your clients have been struggling with for years.

Finally, master the art of the discovery call. This is where you’ll convert interested prospects into high-paying clients. Practice active listening, ask probing questions, and clearly articulate how your program solves their specific problems. Remember, this isn’t about convincing or persuading – it’s about helping the right clients see that your program is the solution they’ve been searching for.

7. Price for Success:

Don’t be afraid to charge what you’re worth. This is a premium, results-driven program. Pricing your high-ticket health coaching program can feel daunting, but your price should reflect the value you provide and the transformation you deliver. Avoid the trap of underpricing out of fear or insecurity.

Practice saying your price out loud until it feels natural. Your confidence in your pricing will resonate with potential clients. Remember, when you truly believe in the value of what you’re offering, selling becomes an act of service.

The Road to $5K-$10K+ Months

As you can see, with your high-ticket health coaching program in place, reaching those coveted $5K to $10K+ months (and even $20K or $30K months) becomes not just possible, but inevitable. Think about it: at $3,000 per client, you need just 2-3 new clients each month to achieve a six-figure coaching business. That’s the power of high-ticket coaching.

But it’s not just about the money. It’s about the freedom to work with fewer clients, deliver better results, and create a business that energizes you rather than drains you. It’s about waking up every day knowing you’re making a real, tangible difference in people’s lives.

To take the first step, join me for my free online training video, where I will show you how to create an online health coaching program and attract high-paying clients.

Click here to watch it now >>

FAQs: How to Create an Online Health Coaching Program

How do I market myself as a health coach?

Before you get to that stage, you need to lay the right foundation. Get clear on your health coaching niche and your Six Figure Message To Market. That means understanding how to communicate with your ideal clients in a way that leads to high-ticket sales for your online business. Then, choose 1-2 social media platforms and start marketing yourself there. You can discover more in this post: Launch Your Nutrition Coaching Program.

How do you introduce yourself as a health coach?

The best way to introduce yourself as a health coach is to focus on the specific problems you help clients solve, which starts with defining your coaching niche. Create a mission statement that clearly communicates how you assist others. Example: “I’m a Naturopath, and I help women over 40 balance their peri and menopausal issues so they can live a high-energy and fit life.”

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