Wondering how to best deliver your health coaching program?
Yes, it’s true – in order to grow your health coaching business, you need to have a health coaching program.
Not just any program – you need to focus on your high ticket coaching program.
A high ticket coaching program, priced between $1,000 and $5,000, helps you grow your health coach business much faster.
With just a handful of clients, you can reach your desired income level of $5K-$10K per month as a health coach.
With that, your health coaching business can thrive and you can build your both impact and income.
So the question is – how should you deliver your high ticket health coaching program?
A lot of it will depend on what level your health coaching business is at.
Are you a beginner health coach? More established health coach? Or already been running your business in the health coaching niche for a number of years?
For example, if you’re a beginner health coach, you should focus on keeping things as simple as possible.
And while you can absolutely create your health coaching program as a high ticket program right as a beginner health coach, you do not have to have a complex program.
You can deliver your health coaching program in a simple one-on-one setting.
If you’ve just found your health coaching niche and created your program, you will probably start with just a few clients each month.
At this early beginner health coach stage, you don’t need to have a complex group program.
You don’t need to have all your health coaching modules ready and automated or a fancy membership site.
On the other hand, if you’re a more established health coach running a more establish health coaching business, you will need different strategies.
Discover them all in my video today!